I created a publishing imprint, named it, and designed a logo for said imprint. I then designed three book covers for that imprint to publish. What books, you may ask? "Gulliver’s Travels" by Jonathan Swift, "Haroun and the Sea of Stories" by Salman Rushdie, and "The Baron in the Trees" by Italo Calvino. 
After doing research on all three, I came to the realization (hint hint) that all of the main characters in these books have some sort of absolutely absurd revelation, or ... Epiphany. That’s where the inspiration for my imprint name and logo came from. As far as the aesthetics, I relied on the absurd aspects of all three books, and wanted to focus on creating an absurdist aesthetic, but without using imagery. I knew immediately that I wanted to play with type, and that’s exactly what I did.
A quick word map for brainstorming and a moodboard to hone in on a design aesthetic.
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